Garment Industry

Label Solution

Pressure Sensitive Labels

Pressure Sensitive labeling can be used on almost any type of material and can be custom-made to fit any shape and size


We offer garment tags in various formats, for identification as well as for pricing and promotional details.

Speciality Labels

Minus zero degree temperatures, Chemical resistant labels, battery Labels, Heat resistant Labels, Stain-free textile labels Etc

Brand Protection & Security Solutions

Security labels are created for critical items that demand the highest form of protection against tampering, illegal handling, and counterfeiting.

Garment Labels & Tags

Packaging solutions for Garment Solutions generally consist of providing valuable information to them in terms of Brand awareness, Size, Durability of the Clothes, and specific usage instructions.
Usually the lead time expectation to cater to such segments are short, for which we have the necessary arrangements to cater to
Various Product Solutions which we offer in the segment are:
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